My good friend and fishing buddy, Jack Hemingway, once shared with me advice he had received from his father, Ernest. The gist was that once a writer feels in control of his story and starts to see the plot unfold, its time to quit for the day.
I apply the same philosophy to my diet program. In the evenings I usually have a bowl of natural cereal with fruit of the moment. Just when I reach the ¾ mark and have experienced the first urges to go for a refill, I stop and leave the rest for breakfast.
In spite of missing the short term gratification, I am proud of myself for restraining the urge to stuff myself I like to always feel a little in the morning, I am thankful for the gift. I think that Ernest and Jack would approve.
Visit the New-Humans Metamorphosis Club for my exercise and diet recommendations.
Big Toe Buddha
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